Refund of funds
lost due to fraud
and other financial crimes
with a guarantee.


Microfinance Organizations

ICO Cryptocurrencies


Internet Scammers

Submit a Request for a Free Consultation

Important! Do not postpone solving your problem! The more time you give scammers, the lower your chances of getting your money back.

    Reliable Partnership

    Close and effective cooperation with law enforcement agencies

    Return Guarantees

    Chargeback with return guarantee via Visa, Mastercard, PayPal

    Years of Experience

    Our lawyers' experience in solving similar cases

    You get your money back,
    we receive a reward
    for the result

    We are a team of professional lawyers offering you the services of a remote attorney with full case support, an individual approach to each situation, and complete confidentiality of your personal data. The main difference is that regular lawyers will cost you much more.

    • We have been working in the market since 2012.
    • We do not charge upfront fees for our services.
    • Preparing documents for Chargeback submission takes 3-5 business days.
    • Our commission ranges from 9% to 15% of the amount refunded to you. The percentage depends on the complexity of the refund process.

    Over the years, our team has helped more than 1,100 victims from different countries recover a total of $3.7 million in lost funds.

    We do not guarantee a 100% refund. Each case is unique and depends on many factors.

    Our Team of Specialists

    We are a team of professionals,
    with many years of experience

    Елизабет Картер

    Elizabeth Carter


    София Дюпонт

    Sophia Dupont

    Senior Lawyer

    Александр Ричардсон

    Alexander Richardson


    Себастьян Шмидт

    Sebastian Schmidt

    Senior Lawyer

    Томас Дюран

    Thomas Duran


    Оливер Росси

    Oliver Rossi

    Arbitration Lawyer

    Анна Вальдес

    Anna Valdes

    Senior Lawyer

    Николас Гонсалес

    Nicolas Gonzalez


    Эдвард Браун

    Edward Brown


    Амелия Фернандес

    Amelia Fernandez


    Лукас Нильсен

    Lucas Nielsen


    Clara Larsen

    Clara Larsen


    You need to contact us urgently if


    Broker scammed you

    You transferred money to a broker and can't get it back


    Bank scammed you

    The bank closed down and they are not returning your money


    Transferred money to a scammer

    You purchased something online but didn't receive it, and the money hasn't been refunded



    You transferred money to an ICO broker and can't get it back



    The MFO refuses to close the contract with you


    Insurance company scammed you

    An insured event occurred, but the company is refusing to compensate for the losses

    Our Successfully Implemented Cases

    We understand our clients, share their challenges, and see the solutions with our help

    David A

    David A.

    Department Head

    I entrusted $9,500 to Traider Invest. For various reasons, they refused to allow withdrawals. Thanks to the financial fraud prevention and control service, they helped me recover 500,000 RUB. Thank you, I didn't even expect to get anything back.


    Sara M.


    xTrade kept asking me to invest money for a long time, and I finally decided to take the risk. Then they took out a loan in my name and simply withdrew all the money from my card... If it weren't for the guys at Pravovoe Polye, I would have had to file for bankruptcy. But they returned all 32,500 euros that I had already given up on. I am incredibly grateful for their patience and help!



    For three weeks, the company Alpari misled me and, despite losses, asked me to deposit more money. Trusting them and to avoid losing everything, I kept sending more until my balance was zero. I want to express my deep gratitude to the company for returning most of my invested money. The remaining payments are still being disputed. I recommend them!


    Samanta F.

    They returned the money I had already given up on... Thank you so much for being there!



    PR Manager

    Everyone knows 24Option... unfortunately, when I transferred money to them, I didn't know they were scammers. After a month of working with them, they converted my money into bonuses that couldn’t be withdrawn, and told me to trade a certain volume. But they helped me recover $8700! Be cautious with brokers!!


    Stephan D

    A manager from Prague scammed me. But I was able to dispute all the transactions and get my money back!! Thank you!!


    Marta K

    I bought stocks at Capital Trade, and eventually, the manager stopped contacting me. Through these guys, I got the money back that I had transferred! Thank you!



    I reached out to this company for help. In 3 weeks, they disputed the transfers and returned $21,000 from CapitalPro... Meanwhile, they told me the account was drained, and there was no money left... scammers...


    Alexan D

    Private Entrepreneur

    I fell for the fake company "NVS"... the amount was around 16k euros. When I tried to withdraw the money, I only managed to withdraw 2,400 euros, Chargeback.

    They were able to return another 13.5k. Special thanks to lawyer Yevgeny for the work done!!!

    Илья Онуфриенко

    Ilya O

    My friends advised me to invest in the company BNR Options. We worked for 4 months, and after receiving a profit, my account was blocked. The money couldn’t be withdrawn.
    From 730k, they helped me recover 5 transactions totaling $12,000. Thank you!

    Brokers from whom we have already withdrawn funds

    We understand our clients, share their difficulties, and
    see the points of resolution with our help